Comment on Canon Connections: Lower Decks 4x01 - Twovix

<- View Parent ⁨1⁩ ⁨year⁩ ago

I did think it was a bit of a shame that one of Trek’s most powerful ethical quandaries got so easily and blithely technobabbled away

Personally, I’ve never really thought of it as being that much of a quandary. Janeway’s decision wasn’t much different from what the Vidiians do; she condemned one innocent being to death so his body could be used to save two others. We recognize it’s wrong when the Vidiians are jumping starships to harvest lungs and kidneys, but suddenly we need to have a debate when Janeway is molecularly disentangling Tuvix?

Also, I do think it would have been more interesting to proceed with Tuvix from a storytelling point of view. Obviously that doesn’t work great when you have actors contracted for multiple seasons, but VOY is way too eager to hit the reset button.

The only thing I think could have actually made the Tuvix story something worth debating is if we ever learned what Tuvok and Neelix’s perspectives were after the fact. But we don’t. They never speak of it again. Probably because Janeway threatened to murder anyone on the ship who brings it up.

And speaking of inside remains as a result of transporter accidents, will you do these canon connections posts for the Very Short Treks, (even if they themselves have been declared non-canonical)?

I think that after the season of LDS is done, while we’re waiting Disco season five, I’ll try and do some Non-Canon Connections. I already did the LDS comic mini-series back before the switch to Lemmy. So I’ll probably do all the VST episodes in a single post though so far there seem to be much to work with there. I also started working on one for the PRO video game a while back and I’m about halfway done that. I just got distracted by other games.
