Comment on The Steam BulletHeaven2.0 festival has arrived 2 weeks agoBrotato is free on epic right now
Comment on The Steam BulletHeaven2.0 festival has arrived 2 weeks agoBrotato is free on epic right now 2 weeks ago
Yeah, but screw Epic. 2 weeks ago
A free game is a free game my dude 2 weeks ago
You’re paying with your own data. Ye ye “steam does that too” or “everyone does that” but they have Chinese smoll pp backing them 2 weeks ago
Which data would that be, exactly? 1 week ago
I’m not a fan of tencent it comes exactly but it’s not like the days they’re collecting is precious to me at all. If they think there’s value in a bunch of nonsense that only allows generalisations then I’m fine with that if I get something from it, like free games.