Comment on Elon Musk Backed Trump With Over $250 Million, Fueling the Unusual ‘RBG PAC’ 3 months ago
Dems won’t fight because they like the money too.
So we need to just rip the fucking bandaid off and realize we can’t fix anything with the neoliberals running the party.
They don’t want to fix the system because it benefits them. We’ve been trying to get them to listen and they just refuse to
It’s getting really close to the time we need to just start over. We just “won” but it didn’t even fucking matter because Biden and Dem leadership didn’t want to fix anything after we got them the Presidency, House, and Senate. 3 months ago
You can’t fix this system from within, the simple act of trying to will make you part of it. You have to sell yourself and values to even get in the door, let alone in a place of power where you could enact change. By the time you’re there, you’re part of the problem.
What we need is “Project Mayhem”