You can essentially achieve this with some routers with a “DMZ” network segment/ device, so all incoming requests to your external IP get forwarded to it automatically if not part of an outbound NAT’ed session. You don’t even need to disable NAT.
Comment on No NAT November: My Month Without IPv4 1 month agoHow would you disable NAT and still use ipv4 unless you are able to assign a public IPv4 to your PC (and have nothing else in the network)? 1 month ago 1 month ago
A standard DMZ still does NAT. You get a private IP and the router "nat"s you, just that it forwards all incoming traffic to that device by default. I think that disqualifies for no nat november. 1 month ago
I admittedly did not read the original Mastodon post from nixCraft about the purpose of No NAT November, but surely it’s not just about moving to IPv6? You can (and usually would) still do NATing with IPv6. You don’t want every device to be internet-exposed, but still want them to be able to access the internet (and who wants to configure internet-defensive firewall rules on all their internal home hosts)? 1 month ago
I don’t agree that you usually would still use NAT with IPv6. I’ve never seen NAT in combination with IPv6 and I’ve seen plenty of deployments at our customers. NAT is not the same as a firewall, so just using public IPv6 addresses does not mean that you are exposing every port by default. I think you should read up on IPv6 and firewalling before making statements like this :) 1 month ago
you connect your PC directly out of the link that the ISP is giving you (if allowed), for example via PPPoE 1 month ago
You got it on the nose, only one device.