Comment on What is your happiest Trek related memory/ies? 3 months ago
In 2004 one of my computer games came with a couple of Star Trek demos.
There was Star Trek Armada, a real time strategy where you command a fleet of starships and mine dilithium and protect against waves or borg cubes as you built more units and buildings. Probably the very first real time strategy I had ever played. Spent a good chunk of my summer playing that. It only came with one level (Premonitions) which I played every which way.
The second demo game was Star Trek Hidden Evil, an isometric puzzle adventure third person game where you played as Ensign Sobok and had to find Captain Picard, who has been trapped by some clan at an excavation site. There were some invisible dudes that would ambush you so you had to fire at them quickly with the phaser.
Those were my first and happiest memories with Star Trek 3 months ago
PSA: sells versions of Armada and Hidden Evil that work on modern systems.