Comment on So many spammers I just get it over as quicky as possible these days ⁨9⁩ ⁨months⁩ ago

I love keeping them on the phone as long as possible! It’s damn-near a hobby of mine.

Today I got one I’ve never heard before. They were from the “Automobile Collision” Company that said they have money for me from my accident! I like free money…let’s do this!

They transferred me three times up the chain…final one was their lawyer - that’s where the call dropped. Suffice it to say…I was disappointed to not hear the end.

One of my favorites, in case y’all would like to use it - I claimed (in a Southern drawl) I was an Allogator Hunter…in Nevada. “Business is a bit slow…and I can’t go to the zoo no more.” Kept them on the line for 44 minutes…almost beat my record.
