Comment on Tuesday SOTD Thread - Sep 12, 2023 ⁨1⁩ ⁨year⁩ ago

September 12, 2023

3 passes. Face lather. Excellent shave.

This was the same setup as yesterday but with a refreshed edge. I’m trying a new finishing stone the Black Shadow. This is a natural slate stone, and like all whetstones, you need to learn its personality. Yesterday, I thought my shave was comfortable but should have been closer for a 3-pass shave.

So, last night I took the razor back to the Black Shadow [I mean, you gotta love that name] to see if I could get the edge sharper while maintaining the same level of smoothness.

The stone certainly had more to give. I was able to get sharpness to the same point I can get a Jnat without any degradation to overall edge quality. Today’s shave was, again, very comfortable and is fully BBS.
