Comment on Why do we use the term Ban when it's temporary? Why not the more accurate, Suspension? 3 weeks agoHere is a little bit of muddiness. If there is no clearly defined end of something, is it permanent, or temporary. I would argue, since nearly everything changes and virtually nothing is permanent in an absolute sense; Permanent can only reasonably mean, no predetermined end time. Hunger has no defined amount of time. It may in fact last until death, making it quite permanent from the point of view of the individual experiencing it. So hunger in fact would, for the purpose of a definition, be permanent. 3 weeks ago
Yeah okay, but you don’t say I’m temporarily hungry the same way you don’t need to say I’m temporarily banned. 3 weeks ago
There isn’t a predetermined end point with hunger. No timer. That’s the difference. 3 weeks ago
Breakfast 3 weeks ago
Dark humor is a lot like food.
Not everyone gets it.
Just stateing your claim again isn’t a valid argument.