Comment on How can I be less competitive about social media engagement? ⁨1⁩ ⁨year⁩ ago

I think that’s pretty normal, honestly. Especially for an artist where praise is the only reward, having low engagement can be depressing. It’s just what it is.

I don’t have any advice, and I don’t think advices “think of…” or “take it as…” are any useful. Maybe I can say try to do the art primarily for yourself rather than for others?

Or if you feel like it, you can try doing more niche/different stuff. People who like very specific, oddball things, tend to bs more appreciative, and there’s less “competition”, if you will. And challenging yourself to do something different and new can be good for you too, but it depends on what you wanna do.

I can only guess it’ll eventually bump out, maybe you’ll post less, or find a small hardcore audience, or maybe stop caring about it. Or not. An artist’s life is weird.
