Yes, they’re designed to seem that way.
Which is why I earlier stated that my issue wasn’t with listing them, but specifically, the way you presented them.
I’ve also not presented my beliefs
You used the word “murdering” to describe a transgender woman playing sports with other women, despite her playing at a level comparable to them.
You absolutely presented your beliefs. 3 months ago
Oh come off it. Watch the video, she’s a damn head taller than almost everyone she’s playing against and God knows how many ppunds heavier.
If we don’t want to be the crazy side we have to come to terms with arguments about issues, even important ones, not being only good or evil. 3 months ago
I went through the numbers to highlight her performance is on par with the rest of her team, and you still think that I’m being unreasonable
As I said, you presented your position quite clearly, which is why I called you out 3 months ago
I don’t think you’re unreasonable, you have more context than myself and any other casual North American sports fan who (shockingly!) hasn’t learned the points per game rates of Aussie rules footie, seeing someone a foot taller than their competition makes us go “huh, that seems wild.”
As we do when reading one of the most reputable papers in the world raising concerns about transgender health science methodology.
(For what it’s worth, in my personal experience of playing mid level co-ed rec league sports in a large liberal city for awhile, I’ve played against a few teams, mostly their trans player was the best woman on their team and by not a small margin. We don’t give a shit because, like I said, mid level co-ed rec league sports.)
Thr fact you feel compelled to “call out” someone trying to sincerely answer a reasonable question kinda speaks volumes. 3 months ago
Yeah, that’s why you linked to transphobic hit pieces and described trans women in sports with hugely emotionally loaded terms
Because you’re reasonable
As I said from the beginning, your comment was fine unti you let some of your more transphobic opinions out in the final paragraph. That paragraph was not “reasonable”