Comment on I want a name for this 3 months ago
I think it could be argued for a state of hypnosis, like how people drive for miles but just don’t remember how they did it entirely.
Difference is, you clearly drove and got there safely. You didn’t read the words on the, you just moved your eyes across ink blots. 3 months ago
I was a professional driver for 20 years. I can attest that autopilot is a real thing.
It’s easy to monitor traffic on either side but end up daydreaming and miss a turn. 3 months ago
I drove black cars for a bit, I’ve definitely just taken the airport exit once when I was out of it. Glad I’m not alone. 3 months ago
Yeah. It’s not a big deal, but how you handle it really matters. (This is advice for anyone else reading I’m sure you know)
If you miss your turn because you’re daydreaming or whatever, just keep going. DO NOT swerve three lanes over to an exit or whatever other dumb shit. You fucked up. Deal with it without putting other people in danger.