Any rational person can see the difference, doesn’t mean he’s wrong. Just because democrats are way better than republicans doesn’t mean they are GOOD. Both parties attract corrupt greedy powermongers. MAGA / GOP just gets the lion’s share.
Comment on Why people consistently vote against their own interests to benefit the rich? 3 months agoCan you really not see the difference between the parties? 3 months ago 3 months ago 3 months ago
Part of the issue is the system of voting is set up so that there can only ever be two parties. Dividing the country up into chunks and then having one winner in each chunk creates a situation where voting third party is a wasted vote. When there are only two options it's pretty hard to vote for your interests.
In the 90s when New Zealand changed to MMP to led to a proliferation of new parties getting into parliament and the people involved were much much less often old white males. It changed the dynamic completely.