Manosphere is (to my understanding) Andrew Tate, Joe Rogan, etc. Basically content that promotes men acting like Neanderthals. Why any percentage of women found that attractive is beyond my comprehension.
Are you sure it’s not the part of a car engine collecting exhaust from all cylinders into a smaller number of pipes? Because I can use my ignorance of that and play up my environmental credentials as owning an EV 4 hours ago
Manosphere is (to my understanding) Andrew Tate, Joe Rogan, etc. Basically content that promotes men acting like Neanderthals. Why any percentage of women found that attractive is beyond my comprehension. 3 hours ago…/noisy-poll-results-and-repti… 3 hours ago
Are you sure it’s not the part of a car engine collecting exhaust from all cylinders into a smaller number of pipes? Because I can use my ignorance of that and play up my environmental credentials as owning an EV