Comment on Should I just quit urban and social life for a rural and lonely life? ⁨1⁩ ⁨year⁩ ago

I spent a lot of years moving around as a contractor/consultant devops/sysadmin/IT architect and finally broke when I got stuck in Switzerland on what was supposed to be a 3week client engagement, and was extended by covid lockdowns for almost a year.

I decided right then that I was done moving/traveling and started looking for where I wanted to settle in.

We chose a small piece of super cheap forest land in the middle of nowhere and started clearing just enough space for a small driveway and a tiny house. We started fully off-grid with just a few kwh of solar to power laptops and a starlink setup, and carrying water from the creek in buckets.

We now have 1000litres of water storage that I fil with a gas pump instead of buckets, 12v water pump and propane heater that deliver hot and cold water in two taps (bathtub and kitchen sink), and got tied to the grid so I could run desktops instead of laptops.

I spend my mornings pre-standup hand-feeding chipmunks and squirrels, and watching flocks of bluejays eat from the various seed piles we leave laying around. It almost makes the idiocy of every standup bearable.

This all a digression - But the TL:DR is this - Yes, Leave the city. Life will be physically more difficult for a while. But once you have the creature comforts out in the country you will never consider going back to a city.
