Imagine if it found its way into musk’s feed!
I would not be against this. I absolutely know how.
We can rebuilt him. We have the technology…
Comment on is that real? 4 weeks ago
Nightmare fuel. Imagine if someone used Ai to create porn of Cheeto and female Musk.
Imagine if it found its way into musk’s feed!
I would not be against this. I absolutely know how.
We can rebuilt him. We have the technology…
Nightmare fuel.
That’s horrifying! 4 weeks ago
Don’t you dare speak that into existence. 4 weeks ago
Too late. It’s out there somewhere. 4 weeks ago
Correct me if I’m wrong, but isn’t that what Rule 34 is all about?
It’s an abomination unto Nuggan, that’s what it is though. 4 weeks ago
Rules 34 is “if it exists, there’s porn of it”.
Rule 35 is the truly interesting one here though “if the porn doesn’t exist, you are responsible for creating it”
Don’t quite me exactly on those, I’m about 20 years out from my /b/ days.