I’ve bought two laser printers, both for about $50.
My 1997 laser just died this summer. That’s 27 years of runtime. Even if it was $500, that’s $18/year, with thousands of pages printed, and I think I replaced the toner once.
Glad you have a printer nearby. I do to, but it would take me an hour to print one page, because I’d have to copy it to a thumb drive, then go to the print shop (15 min, using fossil fuels to get there), then deal with printing and hope it prints right, then shuffle back home.
I mean, yea, that’s a fabulous approach. Do that 50 times and I’ve paid for my printer.
ComradeMiao@lemmy.world 2 months ago
That sounds 100% worth it. I would also pay $500 if I knew which could last so long. I’m talking the inkjet garbage that doesn’t last and ink is more expensive than the machine.