Comment on Starfield, is it getting review bombed? ⁨1⁩ ⁨year⁩ ago

I’ve seen some pretty absurd complaints, like the not being able to land on gas planets, or people complaining due to ridiculously high but present area limitations. Absurd complaints always seem to surround the media people whom people blame of being “woke”, which is why I usually give them the extra benefit of a doubt, people will make or criticize shit for reasons they don’t say out-loud.

Then there’s the real complaints about performance, which I personally haven’t experienced because of a top tier PC, and people not liking the Bethsoft sort of gameplay loop, which this is and has definitely improved upon IMO. Not only will this game be played for years on end like Skyrim, but I suspect it will also spark a much needed MMO off-shoot in the space genre just like their Fallout and The Elder Scrolls games did.
