200 hours in for me and I just learned you can put gates over train tracks. 🤯 Found out by reading the in game manual that I was too proud to read beforehand. So uhm… read the manual.
Comment on What are your favorite 1000+ hour games?
Brokkr@lemmy.world 3 months ago
Factorio, it’s fun from the first minute but you’ll still be learning new things after 1000 hours.
Harrk@lemmy.world 3 months ago
baldingpudenda@lemmy.world 3 months ago
Me: Ooooooohhhh, ok. I know how logistic networks work. 2 hrs later Me: wtf? Production stopped. Why does this one belt have 5 different materials. Oh…idk how chests work. That’s OK I’ll simplify it until it works. suns up and birds chirping Me: ok, ok. So it’s working, but i dont know why.
800 hrs in and I still underestimate the space I need. Best 30 bucks I’ve ever spent.