Comment on Should I just quit urban and social life for a rural and lonely life? ⁨1⁩ ⁨year⁩ ago

I wanna pose this very kindly and politely because I know a lot of people are against it sadly but

This is textbook concerning antisocial behavior and you should take it very seriously. There’s a few options for online if you’d prefer but therapy really isn’t that bad of an idea to try. It’s nice having someone you can get along with and be vulnerable with and have help you out with “shit that’s stuck in your teeth” as mine says.

Some stuff is too tough and is way too bitter to handle on our own and this world is infinitely bigger than you and will swallow you whole if you don’t fight for a life you want.

Stay healthy bro. Fight for yourself. We’re all rooting for your best health mentally and physically 💜
