Comment on question(s) about etiquette in MMORPGs 3 months ago
I would avoid zone-wide chats. They end up in pissing contests about who’s cooler, edgier, better, etc. Local or proxy chat let’s you talk to a party directly in front of you, like you are actually addressing the person instead of the name in a chat box.
As to what you should say, say the first thing that comes to mind, short of “want to buy GF”. Find similar minded people. Additionally, join guilds or discords. Check the game sub for guild finder stuff, join medium sized guilds that are doing content you like. Be prepared to leave if you don’t feel like you fit or it doesn’t mesh well. The beauty of MMOs is they generally have a decent sized player base, you’ll find community somewhere. They just rarely come find you. 3 months ago
They just rarely come find you yeah, that makes sense, the onus is on me to find people. agreed on the chat thing. again, still trying to figure it all out but some of the zone / game wide chat is… interesting, to say the least.
i think when a get a little further along, i may look into guilds. my only concern is that it becomes a second full time job. however, as one person mentioned, “leave if you’re not happy” (to paraphrase that posters comment).
will do on the take the thoughts out of your head advice! 3 months ago
Nah, I haven’t played ESO as part of the guild in over a month. I still get on and do some stuff, but it’s solo stuff or just with a group who linked up. Unless you’re joining an end-game guild, I’d say the function is more social than content. T&L maybe a little different, but the point of the big guilds is that you can join, and you have a group of “vetted” players you fit in with to play when you want to. It is what you make of it, y’know?