And about the same speed. Most places take call in orders too now so call ahead and it’s basically ready when you get there
Comment on Has Fast Food Gotten Worse, or Am I Just Getting Old? 3 months ago
Depends on the company and where you live, I feel. Some has gotten worse, some has improved.
But they have all gotten more expensive. So goddamn expensive. These days I can order a well made, flame-grilled burger at a burger joint for the same price as fast food slop. 3 months ago 3 months ago
The only thing I’ll say there is that with burgers you can sometimes get out over your skis and take a tumble. A lot of sit-down places think some giant watery meatball is a good burger. While photogenic, it is not necessarily good, and a short-order smashed patty or (smashed patties) generally taste a lot better and are easier to eat.
The best burgers are almost certainly not fast food burgers, but the worst burgers aren’t either.