Looked it up and you might be right. But believing you at face value would also be the same fault that lead to this spread to this myth’s spread.
Comment on I would personally just treat whatever direction I'm facing at the time as North and go from there. 3 months agoThe water thing is a myth. Any body of water you can actively watch drain is influenced by the shape of the reservoir and direction the water is added to it.
Looked it up and you might be right. But believing you at face value would also be the same fault that lead to this spread to this myth’s spread.
To be fair I had to look it up too. Seems the Coriolis effect COULD impact a perfectly still container of water that was opened suddenly, but other forces are going to be significantly more impactful on a small body of water. 3 months ago
What about the videos recorded in Ecuador, where the same reservoir is drained on both sides of the equator and the water spins in different directions? 3 months ago
Idk why you’re being downvoted for this comment but it’s actually a really cool sleight of hand trick where the guy pouring the water gives it a small swirl in the direction they want the water to drain.
A lot of people may not like him but Mark Rober did a video about it: 3 months ago
The downvotes are just typical Reddit/Lemmy superiority complex, whenever some science stuff that “most people don’t know” shows up, anyone saying anything different gets downvoted a ton.
Source/opinion/joke, doesn’t matter, just going against the hivemind. 3 months ago
You might have to provide that link if you want them to listen. 3 months ago 3 months ago
That’s a street performer ripping off some tourists. 3 months ago