Comment on Denny's 3 months ago
I fear Denny’s
As you should. Now let’s go grab some terrible coffee at 2am, and maybe those pancakes donut things that aren’t worth $8, and chat for a bit.
Last time I did a midnight dennys trip it took an hour to get our food because the cook didn’t show up and the wait staff were trying to cook the food.
Turned out okay. Exactly what I expected. 3 months ago
As you should. Now let’s go grab some terrible coffee at 2am, and maybe those pancakes donut things that aren’t worth $8, and chat for a bit. 3 months ago
Last time I did a midnight dennys trip it took an hour to get our food because the cook didn’t show up and the wait staff were trying to cook the food.
Turned out okay. Exactly what I expected.