3 months ago
You can get a thin smartwool or polypro base layer from a ski shop for like $50, even cheaper on sale but it’s the wrong time of year for that. That’s probably all you would need unless you’re planning on running in a blizzard.
When I was in the military a bazillion years ago, our winter running uniform was a beanie to add to our t-shirt and shorts. That was it. If it was SUPER cold (like, below freezing) we’d get to wear sweatpants and a sweatshirt. Then we’d go run 4 miles in the dark. If you got too cold you just had to run faster. :) 3 months ago
Was an arborist for years in a region that would get to -20F and lower every year. We wouldn’t work past -10, as diesel would gel up past that.
Couldn’t afford nicer things. So, layers were key. If you start to sweat, take em off until you slowed down. Staying dry is key.
But for the jogging part, anything breathable with a shell layer will get it done. I never liked the super light and stretchy stuff because they’d rub my nips harshly.
Just get some stuff off amazon until you find what you like, then return it all and buy the stuff you liked from a store you respect? 3 months ago
This one is far more important than it seems: take care of you nips! At longer distances they can get bruised so bandaids or similar things are advised.