questioning morals of not endorsing genocide
That’s a somewhat skewed lens to view it through, as not everyone agrees that what we’re seeing is a genocide. I definitely don’t think it is. I’m open to hearing arguments to the contrary, but so far, everyone I’ve tried discussing it with either gets emotionally captured or doesn’t argue honestly and in good faith, so the discussion goes nowhere. 4 months ago
i don’t know if i can help someone who is ignoring the obvious here which is being echoed by un and every major humanitarian org. if your just objecting from legal pov rather than moral then maybe go through the case prepared by south africa.
copy pasting some links from earlier discussions below on the moral and intent side of things.
here is one from their own newspaper:…/reservist-eulogized-for-desir…
this pos had already killed someone in westbank in fromt of his kids and wife before oct 7. anyone really believes idf full of slime like this aren’t murdering civilians even kids the moment they see ?
here they are openly bragging about murdering pregnant women and kids :…/israel-condemns-soldiers-t-shi…
another one sourced from their own posts:
this has been ongoing since 1948:…/an_old_footage_of_idf_soldiers_snipp……/idf_forces_shoot_elderly_palestinian… 4 months ago
If you can’t make a cohesive argument for your view using your own words, then I’m not interested in going any further with this. 4 months ago