Comment on I have a very strange question about washers, dryers and the Middle East. ⁨2⁩ ⁨weeks⁩ ago

Are you talking about in people’s homes or in like laundromats? I’d be really curious to learn about a consistent placement in the middle east in particular, it never occured to me thinking this would be a thing anywhere in the world.

I live in Australia and have seen a lot of people’s homes for work reasons and can’t find a left/right pattern of dryer and washer placement. People just put them wherever they can, if anything dryers tend to be placed higher up (on the wall, at shoulder height) and washers are always on the ground but there is no left to right preference.

Some people even have the machines in different rooms, usually this is the washer in the laundry (or bathroom if no space for laundry) and the dryer in the garage or outside the house. As I already said these are just tendencies and you find plenty of people with different arrangements.
