1 month ago
I’d like Ryan to return to more serious roles. He’s a decent actor but he just ends up playing the same character in everything at the moment, and he’s getting predictable and typecast imo. 1 month ago
I’d like Ryan to return to more serious roles. He’s a decent actor but he just ends up playing the same character in everything at the moment, and he’s getting predictable and typecast imo. 1 month ago
Isn’t that his entire career? He’s always played the cheeky but endearing person. 1 month ago
Yes and no. He’s had more serious roles like Life, Safe House, Buried, Smokin’ Aces etc. He certainly has a ‘type’ but at the moment it feels like you could just lift-and-shift his character from one film to another and noone would notice. 1 month ago
I enjoyed his character in The Voices. Admittedly still a comedy, but a good performance from him that was something a little different.