Comment on Netflix shelving its best interactive titles next month, keeping the boring ones 1 month ago
Getting rid of Barbie and keeping Black Mirror. The headline seems incredibly weird to me.
Comment on Netflix shelving its best interactive titles next month, keeping the boring ones 1 month ago
Getting rid of Barbie and keeping Black Mirror. The headline seems incredibly weird to me. 1 month ago
Probably preferential licensing. Black Mirror is still an active development with them. 1 month ago
Yeah I suspect they own the remaining titles. So there’s no cost to keeping them on there. I was also really surprised they keep swinging at the concept, considering how tepid the reception was beyond the original internet hype for Bandersnatch. Which makes sense, people don’t watch movies to actively be ready to press a button on short notice, you don’t exactly sit down on the sofa to go “Oh I know, how about 1,5h of QTE threat?”.
It’s a very cool concept, but one that targets the wrong audience, basically.