Comment on She-Ra Lives! 1 day agoAnthropology tends to support the fact that women and men pretty much all had equal share of pretty much every task in the palaeolithic and neolithic eras.
You shouldn’t just reject scientific advances because it goes against what you learned at school. What you learned was wrong. Science adapts based on new evidence. You can too. 13 hours ago
Some heavy projection there, drake. Maybe you should stick to the science. I hope you know that women have pregnancies and feeding the babies with their teats to deal with, along with needing someone to take care of the young children, which incapacitated them from most physically demanding tasks, like while hunting or going to war. I’m not talking about non-pregnant, able-bodied women that weren’t tasked with taking care of children, which were a indisputable minority.
Your delusions of pregnant teet-feeding women going to hunt, in your fantasy of “they did equal share” have no place here. Be real for one second. ~9 months pregnant + years of raising just the first one. There’s a reason one of the two sexes has testosterone as their primary sex hormone and androgen, and the other, estrogen.
I suggest taking an endocrinology, archeology and anthropology class, instead of trumping your arguments with nonsense.