Was planning to play Leisure Suit Larry 4 instead. 😬
Comment on Screenshot of what I'm playing, day 3: Sonic 3
Lost_My_Mind@lemmy.world 4 months ago
Wait…does that mean tomorrow on day 4 you play Sonic 4?
Oh wait…that game never existed…
Auster@lemm.ee 4 months ago
Lost_My_Mind@lemmy.world 4 months ago
My dad never let me play those when I was a teenager in the 90s.
I wonder if now, as a 41 adult, if I tried playing them…would I be like “Awww yeah, girl! This is the good shit!”
Or would I be like “Wow…13 year old me would have loved this. 41 year old me thinks it’s immature…”?
circuitfarmer@lemmy.sdf.org 4 months ago
There was a 2010 2D platformer released as Sonic 4 which was meant to be the spiritual successor.
I’d say the real spiritual successor on Genesis/Megadrive was Sonic & Knuckles, which came out after Sonic 3 and for all intents and purposes may as well have been called Sonic 4. But they had to push the Knuckles aspect because the cartridge had a passthrough that would accept another Genesis cartridge and allow you to play e.g. Sonic 2 with the Knuckles sprite, iirc.
Lost_My_Mind@lemmy.world 4 months ago
No no no…Sonic and Knuckles was just Sonic 3, the other half of the cartridge that they sold you a second time, somehow.
They had 1 game, Sonic 3, and somehow split it in 2, and sold it twice. I mean, I guess it was kind of cool playing with Knuckles if you also owned Sonic 2, but it would have been nice if they’d have made it compatible with Sonic 1 somehow.
And would it have killed them to let you play as Tails in Sonic 3? Or use the dual screen multiplayer mode?
I feel like Sonic 3 was so great, but also somehow also a huge ripoff. I only got Sonic & Knuckles. I never had Sonic 3. And I tried showing my dad the whole interlocking cartridges thing. I said "See, if I had Sonic 3, I could insert it here, and play that game as Knuckles. And he asked “Can’t you play as Knuckles in this one?” And I said “Well…yes…” and he said “Great. Problem solved! Not like you won’t be playing with your knuckles soon enough as it is!”
Which I’m just now getting was a masturbation joke. My dad made a masturbation joke to me when I was 11…gaaahhhhh…forever unclean! forever unclean!!!
Well joke’s on him! I was too dumb to know that masturbation was a thing until I was 19! First time I cum, it was inside a girl…which I felt really bad about, because I felt like I was about to start peeing inside her…and I wanted to stop…but sex…and then it just happened. And I was like :O and she was like :D and somehow, she didn’t get pregnant. Looking back on that story, maybe I should get my sperm count tested. I’ve NEVER gotten a girl pregnant, as many times as I’ve been not using a condom. I’m sure some of those girls were just gold diggers too. Then when they didn’t get pregnant, they must have been like “WHAT THE FUUUUCK???”
Actually, knowing my dad…is it possible for a father to secretly give his infant son a vasectamy when he’s just 1 month old? I wouldn’t put it past him…
…you uh, you still there buddy? You good?
circuitfarmer@lemmy.sdf.org 4 months ago
It’s not though? Sonic & Knuckles has unique stages and story vs. Sonic 3. Unless you mean they were designed as one game and split at the end before release; that I don’t know.