Comment on ‘I just assumed it would happen’: the unspoken grief of childless men ⁨1⁩ ⁨year⁩ ago

I’m two minds about it - on one hand, I have the feeling of missing out on this whole thing; on the other hand, I do believe it’s very unwise to bring new kids into this world.

I get to babysit my friends’ kids sometimes tho, and maybe that’s the best of both worlds. Still get to engage with kids and have fun with them, but also don’t need to deal with worries, especially about their futures.

I’ve been wondering how realistic it would be for a single guy to adopt, or be a foster parent or something. But considering how stupidly difficult it can be for even well-adjusted, middle class couples to adopt, I’m quite sure it’s unrealistic. Never mind the suspicion and prejudice men face when it comes to caring for kids. I won’t even get into that…
