Comment on Please ban data caps, Internet users tell FCC 4 months agoAdding data caps reduces the total data volume, which in turn statistically reduces the average bandwidth used by all subscribers together (or whatever subset shares a connection).
I would like to know how you figure that load of horseshit.
It seems weird to ban consumer choice here.
What choice? Most of the country is stuck with whatever singular entity controls the network in your city. Very few places have any choice about what service they get. 4 months ago
Well no, of course not. That would upset people. What it does is make people afraid of hitting the limit, which makes them concious of data use and reduces it, even if it does not actually hit the cap.
Most of the country has no choice, so remove choice from those that do, to make it even? Shouldn’t we rather make it even by giving everyone choice? How about instead e.g. forcing ISPs to offer capless plans, while still allowing for capped, but cheaper, plans for those that prefer it?