Comment on Sunday SOTD Thread - October 20th, 2024 (#497) 3 months ago
My honing enthusiasm provided too much rationalisation for razor acquisition and so I have …several. The winnowing process is ongoing and I’m proud to have sold 5 x 5/8 last week.
6/8 is harder because I like them more. Lately I’m wondering: Do I really need two 6/8 hollow-but-stiff round point French blades?
I’m partial to the Grelot. I do appreciate that it’s a bit more hollow and as a Canadian I enjoy the etch. Plus it’s my only nice Grelot and there’s some cachet there. And it’s in better shape. But there’s just something to the TI and it’s similarly my best TI and the pitting isn’t anywhere important so just sorta adds character. And it’s more towards a quarter hollow so …sort of a different thing altogether?
Inconclusive. More study required. Luckily they don’t take a lot of space.
Also: I’m always curious to see the grind toe-on every time I see a picture of a straight razor and that shot should somehow always be included in the metadata or something :) 3 months ago
You cannot have too many French blades. It is known. 3 months ago
Aha! I knew it! I had this trepidation when I sold this one especially because they also took this very similar one …and I guess it’s probably for the best I abandon the foolish notions I had when I listed this and it was especially foolhardy to have ever considered parting with 🤔
But it’s also satisfying to set a new bevel, just not the same if it was already shaving fine (not to mention wasteful). And honing as a service seems less relaxing for myriad reasons. So compromises must be made. Thankfully(?) I’ve slowed a fair bit since the initial burst when I was getting into it, settling into a bit of an equilibrium with a handful in and out each year.