Comment on Corporate greed is killing RuneScape 4 months ago
I think your need to do some inflation adjustment, their costs increase a lot as well. And raw “record profits” aren’t meaningful when not inflation adjusted.
Everything is getting more expensive, thats mostly not corporate greed (some of it is tbh) its just the general world economics being in a very big crisis from multiple world effecting events, covid, Russia attacking Ukraine, the fucking Suez channel ship thing (yes that shit actually effected world economics), the comeback of terrorism, the right wing people playing Russian spys for their own gains in all of the western world (super left as well, but they don’t have much power gladly) Chinas entire economy is going down the drain for many internal reasons. The World economy has long covid, untreated epilepsy and very bad hemorrhoids all at once basically. 4 months ago
They added microtransactions to both Runescape 3 and Oldschool, bonds never existed back then, so now you can buy gold in game, which is huge insane revenue amount for them. World of Warcraft has never had to increase costs even once. 4 months ago…
WOW did increase costs, is heavily monetized with micro transactions and thats basically state of the art for mmorpgs right now. The server and development costs are huge for such service games and a company needs to make profits, i don’t say there is no greed involved, but i do understand some of the decisions. 4 months ago
Ohh darn you’re right. I misremembered. Thought it was always 15. 4 months ago
Yeah i also understand you that pushing micro transactions sucks for the players.