Comment on Goodwill is out of control 4 months…/goodwill-celebrates-national-thrif…
It’s literally their entire marketing scheme. And if the Goodwill near you is offering good prices still then that’s great. But this is something people have noticed. 4 months ago
I’ve never gone to the page before today. That’s not very good marketing if that’s all they are doing.
My local one has a banner up for Halloween costumes, but that’s it. There are some generic “feel good” images of people being happy to work inside on the walls, but it’s not like it rotates or has ads or anything. Just generic cheerful “thank you’s.” 4 months ago
You can easily find video ads of goodwill on YouTube. And I linked you their literal strategy. 4 months ago
You said earlier that goodwill “specifically markets itself as a thift store to help the working class and to help people get jobs.”
They certainly advertise the second part in that link, but I didn’t see anything about the first part, which is what you seem to mainly be upset about.
They are pretty up front about selling donated goods to pay for their charity work of job training. They don’t claim to be in operation to “help the working class get cheap goods.”