Can she ask the coauthors how they’re dealing with it? Maybe ask the bosses if they can open the uploads earlier, especially if everyone is having a hard time getting their work uploaded in time.
Comment on Piece work entry unpaid 4 months agoNot comfortable sharing location info, and I know state laws vary. I do know that our state has a law on the books prohibiting withholding pay based on time entry, because my union rep pushed back when I kept not getting paid because a supervisor was forgetting to approve time.
This is similar, because its the final approval process, but the work had been done, taken out of her hands and finalized. Not to mention, she waits weeks sometimes for them to get off their hands and allow her to upload.
No known contacts in the field other than her coauthors. This is her second year doing this, which is her dream job, and its opening doors for her.
Definitely, it could be automated. But part of the problem is the text box that handles the pasted data inserts characters that are not present in the final work. We’ve tried dumping to plaintext several different ways and looking for hidden characters, but it still occurs. Thus, it would still require human review. Double quotes could likely be filtered, but who gets paid to develop the automation? She wouldn’t know how to debug or validate the code, and she shouldn’t have to.
She knows this isn’t her ultimate dream job, but she is getting paid to write, and getting your own stuff published is a lot of work, luck, and who you know. She’s meeting lots of insiders, but struggling with these constraints. 3 months ago 3 months ago
The Chinese owners seem to discourage all communication between writers. They did however just acknowledge the difficulties the writers face with this platform tool.
This whole operation just smells to me like Chinese work ethic (work them till they jump out the windows, then put nets under the windows) to me. There have been two “supervisors” in the past 16 months that have come and gone. They used to buffer requests and pish to open submission on time, but then they resign without word. 4 months ago
Okay. I don’t really have anything to add to that. Good luck though. 4 months ago
So a raspberry pi, or an arduino board will identify itself as a keyboard if you code it right. She could have all the text loaded and ready to go for the textbox and when it gets to that part, push a button that is hardwired and it can ‘type’ all of the text for her so that the system wouldn’t crap it up as it wouldn’t be ‘pasted’ in. Just an idea for a solution for her. 4 months ago
You could achieve this with something like AutoHotKey on Windows or xdotool/wtype on Linux. An entire extra piece of hardware seems unnecessary 3 months ago
Sure, I guess it all depends what you have laying around. Like if you had a spare monkey that knew how to type. That’s why I said it was just “an” idea. The only thing I would add though is if she needed to type this all in from a machine she doesn’t have admin rights to, then the extra hardware might be the only way. Again, it was just an option… 4 months ago
If this is US, find your state labor board here:
It’s a very specific question, so probably won’t be spelled out exactly on any website, but you should be able to contact somebody with more knowledge of the laws in your area.