Don’t see the lunk between this meme and the US election. I bet this is a widely shared understanding of the situation outside the US.
Comment on They're the same picture. 3 months agoIt’s probably state and political organizations trying to influence the election by implicitly trashing the democrats, there are farms of memers from conservative countries and organizations trying to imply that the democrats are the authoritarian party to rattle the cages of voters.
it happened in 2016 and 2020, and every American intelligence agency has been publicly cautioning voters for years that electoral manipulation through indirect methods like memes and social media posts are definitely being perpetrated by unfriendly countries and is only increasing.…/russia-ira-propaganda-senate-report/
It’s a pretty interesting story that not many people talk about, but a lot of political memes on the internet are supplied by foreign state actors willfully trying to influence American elections, and in the case of 2016, successfully affected the outcome of the American election for the conservatives according to intelligence agencies. 3 months ago 3 months ago
I’m gonna agree with varik here. I’ve noticed a deliberate contingent of “pro-Palestinian” who are clearly siphoning votes from Harris. They seem to be targeting naive leftists and Midwest Muslims, and they always intentionally obfuscate just how much more brutal and awful Trump would be. 3 months ago
Trump woudl be worse. 3 months ago
Then execute the fucker. How is he even allowed to run in the first place. America is a rogue genocide-supporting country. I hope they get their coup lmao after all the innocents yanks were silent while their country regimechanged half of the world. Time to get a taste of your own medecine lmao 3 months ago
Trump is your responsibility as an american, idiot. The same way sending bomb to israel is your responsibility as an american. So fuck you, you have blood on your hand. Look at yourself in the mirror real good. 3 months ago
The quote around “pro-palestinians” makes me hate americans even more lmao. People are getting bombed and starved and they are so heartless they take an antiwar movement as a foreign psy-op.
I bet vietnam war opponents were moscow operatives, were they? The COINTELPRO narrative. 3 months ago
^ political censorship from the american-controlled instance. 3 months ago
Bingo. 3 months ago
in 2016 and 2020, meme farms were established in Russia, China and Iran specifically to covertently attack the democratic party so that The conservatives in the US would seem more rational, because for an actors with intense to harm the US want the conservatives to gain power again.
that is happening again.
Even if OP here isn’t one of the Russian meme farmers themselves, their misunderstanding of the political conflict is undoubtedly influenced by the intentionally divisive and simplified memes flooded into American social media by bad actors.
It’s a dead-end, lazy barely-a-thought meme and the fashionably cynical futility of American policy analysis should be confronted. 3 months ago
Fuck off idiot. You guys are spamming the whole internet with your elections memes even though the rest of the world sees you are just throwing the rest of the world under the bus every four years.
“intentionally divisive and simplified memes flooded into American social media by bad actors”
Are you the paid propagandist? No way somebody normal speaks like that.
Oh and I hope you guys pays after sending two-tons bombs that they’re dropping on hospitals. I hope whoever’s in charge gets jailed.
Execute trump. Jail Bidden 3 months ago
I don’t think I’ve ever posted a meme, you’re way off mark.
“Are you the paid propagandist? No way somebody normal speaks like that.”
The American government and their intelligence agencies speak like that after discovering state-sponsored meme farms in hostile countries focused on disrupting the United States elections.…/how-a-russian-troll-factory-waged-an-ag…
since you already wrecked yourself, you might as well check yourself. 3 months ago
I do not deny the very rearl, intense and dangerous activity of Russian and Chinese troll farms for Western democracies. But you cannot reduce the meme as an attack on Democrat’s policy: all US administrations after Clinton have had a one-sided approach of the conflict in Israel/Palestine. It is more visible now the IDF slaughters tens of thousands of civilians with US-supllied missiles, while keeping their own population protected under the US-supplied iron dome. One can only hope Trump loses and Harris manages to curb Netanyahu’s extremism. 3 months ago
“you cannot reduce the meme as an attack on Democrat’s policy”
I’m not reducing it, I’m correcting it.
The policy toward Israel has been the same for 70 years, by both the democrats and conservatives.
people have finally learned about it, and since they learned about it while a Democrat was in the White House, they are blaming democrats.
“US-supllied missiles, while keeping their own population protected under the US-supplied iron dome.”
yep, and it is important to remember that without any u.s support israel could continue this war indefinitely.
“One can only hope Trump loses and Harris manages to curb Netanyahu’s extremism.”
I do, although as long as we’re hoping, I’m hoping that the Israeli citizenry and their leaders do something about it instead of team America.
The problem is that the Israeli citizenry really doesn’t like Palestinians either; the animosity toward Palestine is not a Netanyahu or IDF prejudice, it is an Israeli prejudice. 3 months ago
Jeez I’m just some rando reminding yanks they are genociders for free. How stupid is this? I’m just appaled by war crimes and you guys threat to invade the haag.
But now I’m learning I could get paid to insult yanks? Sounds like a great job. Would you have the address of a recruiter or something? I need a side-hussle.
The McCarthidiots are really out there saying all criticism of america’s action must come from some siberian call centers lmao 3 months ago
geez, you actually are one of the farmers aren’t you?…/how-a-russian-troll-factory-waged-an-ag…
nice to meet you, glad you failed last election cycle. excited to see you fail and waste all that money again this election cycle. 3 months ago
Yes I’m currenlty in vladivostok. We’re eating caviar and cocain using kalashnikov as forks.
Idiot McCarthist lmao
Nah seriously, I’m just a random dude. I wish I was paid to do this, it sounds like a nice gig. 3 months ago
“Idiot McCarthist lmao”
haha, dude, people are only calling you an idiot because you are literally posting objectively false information.
consider what you’re saying before you write comments so demonstrably false or proven incorrect so easily.
you’ll stop sounding dumb very quickly the less you write. 3 months ago
Seriously how retarded can you be ahah 3 months ago
hello, alt 2 3 months ago…/biden-lawsuit-israel-palestinian-genoc…
Calling out the US for their support of genocide is the logical thing to do with anybody with a heart. You guys are spamming the whole internet with your election bullcrap, don’t whine when foreigners gives their opinion on this, fuckhead. You guys are a rogue country and I hope new york gets bombed someday. Fuck you. 3 months ago
you’re not “calling them out”, you’re upvoting a lazy, misguided meme without any context purely to get attention.
“You guys are spamming the whole internet with your election bullcrap”
Just kidding, I know you don’t have any.
I have zero political memes in my entire history.
“You guys are a rogue country and I hope new york gets bombed someday.”
your horrible, cruel nature right here is the proof of your insincerity and misunderstanding of how war works. 3 months ago…/United_States_complicity_in_Is…
Shut the fuck up you warcrimer cunt. I hope your wife gets blown off. 3 months ago
Bro, u don’t need foreign authors to do that. The very same person that did and does that there, teach Bolsonaro and his MFs to do the same in Brazil. USA problem is not foreign authors, but inside job, even when them (Trump and his followers, backed by Steve Bannon and tons of money from people like Musk) hire external actors to do so.
One of the biggest problems of USA lies in the fact that united stadians (sorry, I refuse to call them Americans and prefer to create a name) always think that their country is being attacked, harassed and assaulted by evil external actors that wants the end of USA when these actors are, mainly, internal. And most of the externals, also hired by internal actors.
But, I admit that it is being nice to see the end of USA as an empire (even though they will die shooting and killing millions, like we are seeing in Ukraine, Gaza, Lebanon, Siria, Libia and many others) 3 months ago
This is not trashing democrats, and republicans would be worse. This is trashing all the ignorant peopel who don’t understand the difference. 3 months ago
“all the ignorant peopel”
so glad you’re on the job. 3 months ago
McCarthidiots 3 months ago
you only feel like an idiot because you don’t know what you’re talking about, don’t beat yourself up about it. 3 months ago
Americans are so displeasant lmao why are you guys like that? 3 months ago
I’m not sure what you’re talking about.
are you the alt account of the guy that just got banned?