4 months ago
I think if it wasn’t a shitty movie, it might get more play. I wouldn’t show it because I disagree with it’s politics, sure, but I’m sure most theaters would rather just show movies people want to see, as that’s how they make money. 4 months ago
Eh. Honestly out of the three big(ish) right wing Christian(ish) movies that came out in Theaters this year (Am I Racist?, God’s Not Dead: Never Die Again Tomorrow or whatever it’s called and Reagan), I think Reagan and God’s Not Dead 25 are duking it out for last place. If the movie was good people would be talking about it, but Am I Racist? is the only ones I hear people still talking about, and that came out first out of the three.
If it was bad but still a moneymaker, I’m sure that all the major chains would carry it, but smaller independent theaters would likely still refuse to show it.