Comment on NASA to Develop Lunar Time Standard for Exploration Initiatives 5 months ago
Will your lunar server have the UTC or LTC clock?
I’m trying to understand the use case.
Day + night on the Luna have length of ~ 30 days.
Comment on NASA to Develop Lunar Time Standard for Exploration Initiatives 5 months ago
Will your lunar server have the UTC or LTC clock?
I’m trying to understand the use case.
Day + night on the Luna have length of ~ 30 days. 5 months ago
Time moves at a different speed due to the moon’s reduced gravity. It’s not just the length of a day. 5 months ago
I’d assume that’s already a bigger problem for satellites in geostationary orbit then? 5 months ago
Yes, but at least there they still use “Earth time”, just slowed down. For the moon it gets a little bit more complicated I guess.