Comment on Let's discuss: Final Fantasy 4 months agoXII is my favourite as well. Interesting how controversial gambit system ended up to be, some love it, some hate it. I personally love that it gives the freedom to do any type of weird stuff you’d like to do and maintain good pace in battles.
Those who dislike it, I imagine, don’t enjoy combat where the player doesn’t have to push buttons, but 1) you never have enough gambit slots for everything you’d like to do, so you have to adapt and choose magicks/items yourself at times; 2) many RPGs suffer from exactly the opposite problem - you encounter a familiar enemy, know of one efficient way to defeat it and have to choose the same options in battles against it time after time just because you know that it works; mindlessly pushing a few buttons isn’t much different from not pushing any buttons at all in this case. 4 months ago
The problem with the gambit system was it was too easy to script an attack setting that the battles played themselves and you could only lose if you were grossly out leveled.
Finished the game like this by just walking thru it, just killed the challenge. And it wasn’t set up well to use commands, more just the gambit system. 4 months ago
“If weak to fire then cast Fira”. You don’t even need to have your characters learn the weakness first by scanning them, they just intuit every weakness. 4 months ago
Well, to each their own. Gotta note, though, that the vanilla and Zodiac Job System PS2 versions are more challenging than the Zodiac Age version.