- Comment on What are some games you like that most people hate and/or were panned by critics? 1 day ago:
Flick targeting ruled, people just didn’t give it a chance because it was unfamiliar.
- Comment on Gaming on controller & "typos" 1 week ago:
I tend not to play extremely similar games back to back so my head’s usually not in the wrong place. Maybe try a palette cleanser.
- Comment on Capcom is experimenting with generative AI to help generate the “hundreds of thousands of ideas needed for game development" 1 week ago:
I got an idea for a fictional TV. It’s a black rectangle with a moving picture in the middle. There’s a logo on it that almost says the name of a real TV brand but in a slightly different typeface than they use and one or two of the letters is changed.
This is a revolutionary idea that nobody has ever had before, which if implemented will actually negate the need to use AI to create fictional TVs for us.
- Comment on Let's discuss: UFO 50 1 month ago:
Mortol stole my puzzle platformer idea and did a better job than I ever would have done with it. I am livid.
- Comment on Let's discuss: UFO 50 2 months ago:
This post was finally the push that made me buy it, having been interested since I first heard about it. Only checked out Barbuta and Bug Hunt so far.
I’m loving Barbuta. It’s scratching that itch that only Tomb Raider 1 and Dark Souls 1 have scratched before. There’s something so weirdly cozy about this air of open hostility where the individual challenges aren’t actually hard to execute. I haven’t made it very far in yet, only found/bought three items, but I’m already in the headspace where I wanna push myself to keep replaying it until I can beat it without using any eggs and I’m not one to normally care about that sort of thing.
Bug Hunt is okay but, in terms of the framing device that this is a compilation of old games, I’m not buying it. Its mechanics and writing and tutorial pop-up windows feel distinctly like a modern indie game. Barbuta only slipped once that I’ve seen so far, with that I Wanna Be the Guy trap on the first screen.
- Comment on Let's discuss: Final Fantasy 3 months ago:
“If weak to fire then cast Fira”. You don’t even need to have your characters learn the weakness first by scanning them, they just intuit every weakness.
- Comment on Let's discuss: Final Fantasy 3 months ago:
Yoko Shimomura is actually my favorite JRPG composer. She did Kingdom Hearts, Mario RPG/& Luigi, and Radiant Historia before this game.
Her combat music always stands out to me in particular for being emotionally unconventional. Everybody else makes a battle theme and all that’s on their minds to convey is “cool and/or scary that violence is happening, throw in some grandiosity if it’s a big one” but she’ll do stuff like “the enemy is the panicked one here; they’re trying to front like they’re badass but actually I weep for them” or “you are losing a nonverbal rap battle.”
XV actually let me down a bit in that specific regard but the soundtrack as a whole is very solid.
- Comment on Paralyzed Man Unable to Walk After Maker of His Powered Exoskeleton Tells Him It's Now Obsolete 3 months ago:
While I don’t disagree with the sentiment, exo means outside.
- Comment on What a 160-year-old theory about coal predicts about our self-driving future 4 months ago:
The argument against cars also holds that people should live in places where cars aren’t necessary to avoid hermitude in the first place. You don’t need cars to socialize if you can walk to where people are, you don’t need cars for supplies if you can walk to where stuff is.
Long distance travel can have non-car solutions but also it shouldn’t be the default distance to be away from society in the first place.
- Comment on A Prominent Accessibility Advocate Worked With Studios and Inspired Change. But She Never Actually Existed. 5 months ago:
A lie about having a girlfriend that spiraled so far out of control that it made the world a better place.
- Comment on Do you skip Star Trek intros when streaming 5 months ago:
- Comment on Do you skip Star Trek intros when streaming 5 months ago:
There is something about my hatred for the Enterprise intro which compels me to endure it.
- Comment on Let's discuss: Monkey Island 5 months ago:
Spoilers for the newest game.
The frame story of Returns, where Guybrush is telling an account of his life story to his son, is that a filter we’re now supposed to retroactively apply to the whole series? The end of this game, another “it’s all just Disneyland” ending like Revenge had, felt very pointedly like a cover-up. The whole story is low-key building up this theme of Guybrush actually being a terrible person and his quest being both personally unhealthy and harmful to those around him, with little things like the game silently marking off the checklist of horrible things he did on the how-to-be-evil pamphlet he got from LeChuck and big things like Elaine confronting him with his actions while they travel together, so when the ending turns into such an anti-climactic non-sequitur it reads like he can’t bring himself to tell his son the truth of what happened and you hope it’s because he actually gave up the quest and knows that isn’t the story kids want to be told but fear it’s because shit got real in a different sense and he doesn’t want Boybrush to view him in that light. With that in mind, now I can’t stop wondering if that’s what the Carnival of the Damned always was: an act of self-censorship by the hypothetical storyteller.
- Comment on AI Cheating Is Getting Worse 5 months ago:
Other people writing it for you and the openness with which I heard many other students discussing that they weren’t writing their own stuff.
- Comment on AI Cheating Is Getting Worse 5 months ago:
I am entirely certain that it’s the same amount of cheating as it always was and the only thing that changed is that AI is how they’re doing it.
- Comment on Amazon reportedly working on animated anthology TV series featuring Spelunky and other video game worlds 5 months ago:
I’m down for anthology series by default.
- Comment on What JRPG combat is your favorite? 5 months ago:
Radiant Historia
The enemies are placed on a grid and your characters have abilities that can move them around or place traps on certain squares, plus as part of the game’s time travel theme you can reorganize the upcoming turn order. Use those together and you can arrange the absolute sickest combos, knocking everyone into a big cluster and then wailing the shit out of that cluster.
Just be sure to play the original DS version and not the enhanced 3DS version with new art, voice acting, and story additions that ruin the tone.
- Comment on New Nintendo Switch accessory might confirm some leaked details about Switch 2 6 months ago:
I went to look for examples and didn’t find as many as I expected. It’s not unheard of but you’re right, it’s notably uncommon.
- Comment on New Nintendo Switch accessory might confirm some leaked details about Switch 2 6 months ago:
New peripherals coming out late in a system’s life isn’t unusual.
- Comment on I asked what your fave controllers are, now. What is the worst controller you have used? 6 months ago:
I got no beef with the three prongs like you see so many fuss about but those analog sticks were extremely fragile and would inevitably go completely limp over time and wind up 99% deadzone.
- Comment on What are your favourite controllers? 6 months ago:
- best d-pad ever made
- comfortable to my big hands without being uncomfortable to friends’ regular-sized hands
- pressure sensitivity all over the place, even if that did get underutilized
- versatile design that’s equally comfortable to use for 2D and 3D games and doesn’t specifically favor a small number of genres
- smooth, strong, and yet quiet rumble
- good heft
- uses a cord so no fucking around with batteries
- sensibly named and located Start and Select buttons (Everyone‘s been dropping the ball on that front, lately. Sony most of all.)
- Comment on Let's discuss: Stardew Valley 7 months ago:
My understanding of Baldur’s Gate 3 is that everybody is romantically interesxzted in the player character.
Maybe I’m just a catch?
- Comment on Let's discuss: The Sims 8 months ago:
- Comment on Let's discuss: The Sims 8 months ago:
I can’t think of another game that I like so much and enjoy playing so little. I will spend countless hours creating families and houses and then five minutes playing the actual game before I’m like “oh, right, I hate this” and then I start making another family.
- Comment on The level of engagement on Reddit these days 8 months ago:
I think this disparity in votes and comments is also hugely affected by how the UI has been changing over the years as well as the destruction of third party apps. The site is now designed in a way where active participation is less encouraged than ever before unless you’re running old reddit on a traditional computer with an ad blocker.
- Comment on Dragon Age Inquisition free on Epic right now 8 months ago:
Not in the sense where they failed to make it interesting, more in the Breath of the Wild type philosophy where any side-content you do is indirectly progress toward the main goal so there’s a mix of things of varying levels of interestingness in all directions. You have an organization that raises in “power” or whatever they call those points whenever you do a side quest and you need to bank up certain amounts of those power points to do the next story mission or unlock the next region. and that progression is paced in such a way that you simply don’t need to do most things.
Many quests are genuinely interesting but other ones are just filler. And some filler between good quests is inoffensive, maybe even a refreshing little diversion. One generic filler side quest is essentially “stand next to this portal and kill all the ghosts that come out of it”. Doing that once in a while is okay, doing it as many times as there are portals to find is torture.
I still haven’t played the sequels, would you say they’re still worthwhile or is it for the best to leave the story at the end of Origins?
The short version of that answer is that the sequels do not have what you love about the original but you might also like them for the different things that they are. Awakening feels less like a sequel (technically an optionally standalone expansion but I’m counting it) and more like a fan mod. It’s nerdier, sillier, edgier, and has that high-effort mod habit of adding concepts that should logically be new mechanics but are executed by old ones because you’re doing it on minimal skill and zero budget. I think that’s a pretty cute vibe but it’s fundamentally just Origins again but worse.
2 has high highs and low lows and, while I personally love it, it’s negative general reception is very fairly earned. The thing that it was trying to do in the first place, story-wise, is something that would already have been divisive even if the rest of the game were flawlessly executed and it was emphatically not flawlessly executed. The simplest way I can describe it is that it is not a story about an adventure, it’s a story about a place. You do not leave that place, you just stay there over the course of several years and experience the historically significant events that are happening there. So the narrative focus for you as a protagonist is on how you feel about things rather than what you’re accomplishing.
Inquisition, conversely, is the least interesting one from a conceptual standpoint but, like, it’s competent from a technical standpoint and the harsh criticisms you tend to hear usually stem from misunderstandings about its design rather than the lack of creative ambition. There’s another new evil horde and you’re another special dude who’s the only one who can stop them and now you’ve got a personal army instead of being an underdog. There’s more political conflict than the first game but the politics are less complex. Ultimately, though, I think the most important factor of any open world game is simply the degree to which you want to spend time in that world regardless of what it is you’re actually doing and it’s an interesting enough world to spend some time in. Certainly, it’s worth trying for free.
- Comment on Dragon Age Inquisition free on Epic right now 8 months ago:
For anybody playing this for the first time, an important piece of advice:
Don’t be a completionist. Leave areas before you’ve done everything in them and don’t do any side quests you’re not interested in.
It’s my least favorite Dragon Age but it got a lot more hate than it deserved because other open world games trained people to play it the boringest way possible.
- Comment on Let's discuss: Half-Life 8 months ago:
How cheap is an adequate VR set these days? Probably still not cheap enough for this one game to justify the purchase, right?
- Comment on Let's discuss: Half-Life 8 months ago:
Too much new stuff. I think the fact that Xen existing was the difference between the free version and the paid version pushed them to pad Xen out way too far for fear that snappier pacing would feel like a ripoff.
- Comment on Let's discuss: Half-Life 8 months ago:
Blurry looks more realistic than blocky, especially on the low-resolution CRT monitors old games were designed for.
Now that we’ve got better screens and games with better graphics, we see early 3D as a stylized aesthetic and a lack of texture filtering fits that retro aesthetic better but these games’ actual goal they were made with was realism.