Comment on I'm radicalised by this photo 4 months ago
Okay two things. First of all, whoever cropped this picture is an idiot.
Second of all the master level of this prank happened to my dad before I was born.
He, and several of his brothers, worked in the construction of the Sears Tower in Chicago. They’d routinely use the crane to get to whatever floor they were working on. My dad was the newest guy, and one time they told him to go get the coffee from the truck at the bottom. So down he went, but then some wiseass told him he couldn’t take the coffee up on the crane. So he walked. And walked. And walked. It took a month of Sundays to make it to the work site. It was either the funniest or worst thing ever, depending on which of my family members was retelling the story. 4 months ago
“A month of sundays” - idiom for “a very long time”. Dropping this for others who might not know it (please ignore) 4 months ago
No I won’t ignore, thank you. I was very confused, thinking how hot the coffee had to be, to still be warm after a month 4 months ago
Jsyk a ‘month of sundays’ would be several months as it refers to ~30 weeks. 4 months ago
Dang, that’s some hot coffee