Comment on What is the current best smart TV software/brand/ecosystem option? 4 months ago
LG or Sony TV, never connected to the internet, with an Nvidia shield. There is nothing better at the moment.
Comment on What is the current best smart TV software/brand/ecosystem option? 4 months ago
LG or Sony TV, never connected to the internet, with an Nvidia shield. There is nothing better at the moment. 3 months ago
Yeah, it’s a toss-up between the Nvidia Shield and the Apple TV 4K. Go with Nvidia if you want to be able to load your own custom launcher. Go with Apple TV 4K if you want ease of setup. Either one will be a workhorse of a device, both have robust app stores to run whatever streaming services you prefer, and both will run whatever custom media you want to throw at it via Plex, Kodi, or VLC’s network play.