Comment on Currently downloading The Witcher 3 for the first time. Got any advice for me? 4 months agoThe games are a sequle, CDPR got the rights to make a game based on the IP in the early 2000s and just did their own thing.
W1 was a bit rough, plot wise it tried to incorporate a lot of the existing world but played the amnesia card so everyone had to explain shit to Geralt (and by extension the player).
W2 is a direct follow up to W1 and put CDPR on the world stage by being the high water mark for graphics requirements around 2010. Still a very good game, a bit on rails for modern standards, but still fantastic for how it handles branching paths.
W3 + DLC won all the awards in their respective release years for a reason, they are magnificent and with CDPR spending 15 years in the IP they make tons of call backs to the books without the players feeling like they are missing something if you didnt read them.
There are 2 (ok… 4) TV shows.
The netflix shows starring Henry Cavil, king of the nerds, (who is being recast by the least hot hemsworth because netlfix pissed off the books biggest fan) and what ever that second one was that we dont talk about (There is also an anime, which is pretty good) and the Hexer, a made-for-TV low budget show that loosly follows the plot of the early books, it in polish and I dont think it was ever dubbed (I managed to find it with subtitles years ago).
I know this is more than you asked for but, enjoy the games, enjoy the books, be aware of the fan opinions of the shows. 4 months ago
No no this is EXACTLY what I was looking for. I’m the rare Witcher fan who’s read all the books, seen the shows (actually liked Season 1 Netflix despite changes, but now want the producers to never work again), but never played the games. I have W3 and def will play it now, especially cool to see the Wild Hunt in game.