Comment on Whats the best search engine that looks similar to google 4 months agoTbh… DDG in my opinion gives me way too much porn when it comes to image searching. And sure I could just turn on safe search, but I dont wanna do that and fear it may hide some images that aren’t porn that I’d maybe wanna see 4 months ago
that-how? duckduckgo gives you more porn than other search engines? what are you searching for?
are you searching terms on the edge or something?
I don’t have safe search on, use it. search function daily and I’ve never had an accidental porn return, or at least so rarely that I can’t remember it happening.
this is a phenomenon worth looking into. 4 months ago
Shirtless fictional men… TmT 4 months ago
huh, I’m surprised DDG can’t help you there, I find their image search pretty accurate.
also, I just checked, there are lots of shirtless fictional men. are you searching for one in particular that nobody has made appropriate fan art for you yet?
best of luck.