Comment on Science fact
Jupiter and Saturn are not brown dwarves.…/ask-astro-why-is-jupiter-not-a-st…
dated 1997
Here they are on Wikipedia’s list of Y-class brown dwarves.
Jupiter and Saturn are in fact brown dwarves.
Stellar classes are OBAFGKMLTY, from most to least massive.
Did you even read that page you linked to? Right at the top, it says:
They are a mix of brown dwarfs and planetary-mass objects.
Y dwarf stars are a mix of what was previously classified under those mass classifications.
“Y dwarf stars” are not even a thing!
Neither brown dwarfs nor planetary-mass objects are stars.
Are you just a troll? 2 months ago
Here they are on Wikipedia’s list of Y-class brown dwarves.
Jupiter and Saturn are in fact brown dwarves.
Stellar classes are OBAFGKMLTY, from most to least massive. 2 months ago
Did you even read that page you linked to? Right at the top, it says: 2 months ago
Y dwarf stars are a mix of what was previously classified under those mass classifications. 2 months ago
“Y dwarf stars” are not even a thing!
Neither brown dwarfs nor planetary-mass objects are stars.
Are you just a troll?