Sorry did not think to screen grab it but the user was eePez or something like that. As soon as I saw what happened got the hell out because didn’t want to screw up another persons account.
Something similar happened to me a few times recently, as I had just migrated instances and was swapping back and forth between accounts relatively often. I think it was that same username you just mentioned, because that sounds familiar. Only I do not think I was actually logged in as them. Just refreshing showed my actual account like normal. This was all on Thunder/Android. 5 months ago
Sorry did not think to screen grab it but the user was eePez or something like that. As soon as I saw what happened got the hell out because didn’t want to screw up another persons account. 5 months ago
eePez? Maybe Spez??? DUDE!!! YOU HACKED REDDIT!!! 5 months ago
Yea I wish otherwise I would bring the whole site down. 5 months ago
Something similar happened to me a few times recently, as I had just migrated instances and was swapping back and forth between accounts relatively often. I think it was that same username you just mentioned, because that sounds familiar. Only I do not think I was actually logged in as them. Just refreshing showed my actual account like normal. This was all on Thunder/Android.