Comment on Jon Stewart: Trump Is The Opposite of Who His Supporters Claim He Is | The Daily Show 4 months agoExplain these numbers to me please:…/polls-president.html
Because, what I see, is that, ignoring your stupid broken democracy, we still got like a 46/49 split (5% undecided?) 4 months ago
I’m not going to explain basic political theory to you, especially when I saw someone else already explain this to you
If you’re too thick to understand polls, how they’re conducted, and what they represent: that’s on you and the school system that failed you 4 months ago
I am sure I am the only one so far who used a “3-sigma-improbable”.
Everyone else kept talking about electoral college, which means nothing in the context of a popular vote poll.
To me it seems like you choose to ignore facts.
Compared to you, I do understand a lot about polls, population samples, sampling methodologies, importance weighting, confidence intervals, and other related stuff. On a level way above high school.
And I think it’s interesting that you likely talk in the same tone to all your political opponents while insinuating its their lack of education that is the problem. And, it does correlate. Your political opponents on average are less educated than your political supporters. And so, you using that when clearly misrepresenting the facts surely makes them feel like listening to your arguments and carefully considering them. After all, they come from someone better educated than them, yeah? 4 months ago
Only when someone says blatantly wrong and/or stupid shit, like you
Objectively, scientifically, we know that’s not what happens. I do it because you asswipes don’t deserve even the respect of basic human interaction until you accept basic human rights as such, and it’s funny to see you rage online
Oh yeah? Well my level of understanding is above college so nyeh, I win. I can tell you’re full of shit from the smell of what’s coming out 4 months ago
Look, you can’t even make a simple logical conjecture. Each of your messages has shown an utter inability of using simple first-order logic. And yet you claim to have a graduate degree in a math-related subject? Tell me more about the smell of what’s coming out.