Comment on What can be the reasons for self-sabotaging behaviours when it comes to relationships? 5 months ago
You could look into “attachment style”, and perhaps you are “avoidant” or something similar.
Discussing this with a therapist, or advisor or life coach could probably help you zero in on what’s going and what to do about it. 5 months ago
Came looking for this comment. It’s absolutely critical to know thyself, and understanding one’s attachment style is one of the easier bits of self-knowledge.
One of the most accessible books on the topic is “Attached” by Levine and Heller. For me, that book was such an eye-opener. I read it as my second marriage was imploding, and I was grabbing at everything to try to save it. The example conversations for my and my ex’s attachment styles were uncanny. I kept getting the feeling of “were y’all in the room with us for that argument?”