Sounds like the company is also going out of business... typically we can't expect a bankrupt company to provide these benefits. This is why there needs to be a gov't payer of last resort here for these sort of things.
Comment on Coliseum concession workers say they won't get severance, health insurance after last A's game 5 months ago
That’s terrible and it sucks, but honestly they announced the team moving April 2023. They gave 1.5 years notice 1.5 years ago right? How much more do you expect? 4 months ago 5 months ago
Yeah. They’ll get unemployment though, right? Since they’re being laid off, they should qualify for unemployment. They’re in California, so they should get benefits.
You really shouldn’t be surprised about losing health insurance either, since in the US it’s tied to your job. I assume, it being CA, that they’ll have some form of medicaid for unemployed people as well.